Sleep is known as the body’s rest cycle, which helps to regain the efficiency of the body, it is a state of pause and relaxation where the eyes are closed, the body becomes inactive, and the mind dims its alertness and thinking process.

Sleep is a biological process that occurs naturally. It’s a condition of mind and body where the awareness regarding the environment and its happening reduces.

Just like our bodies demand air, food, and water, the requirement of sleep also plays a vital role.

Sleep is an essential necessity for one’s excitability as while sleep our body undergoes various healing procedures and tries to recover all the wear and tear which occurs during the daytime and enhances the working ability of the organs.

A proper and healthy sleep does not just repair what’s damaged but it also helps in regulating and maintaining the immunity, strength, and charm of the body. Both physically and mentally. A good and sound sleep makes us feel more alert, restful, calm, productive, and happy. Hence, sleeping is necessary for survival.

How much sleep is an ideal sleep?


 The amount of sleep one needs varies from one individual to another. Over the course of our life, the sleep requirement changes. The ideal amount of sleep that is needed at the different stages of life are:

  • An Infant aged 4-12 months requires 12-16 hours of sleep a day
  • Children aged between years need 11-14 hours of sleep a day
  • 3-5 years old children should sleep at least 10-13 hours
  • During the age of 6-12, you need sleep of 9-12 hours
  • In the teen years, i.e 13-18 one must sleep up to 8-10 hours
  • As an adult(18 and older) the sleep pattern that is mandatory for one to follow is 7-8 hours of sleep daily

When you choose to sleep less than the required amount of sleep, the sleep loss adds up and creates a sleep debt. In such a case the ideal amount of sleep needed changes and increases. For instance, if you lose 3 hours of sleep each night then you’ll have 21 hours of sleep debt after a week.

Some people tend to nap as a way to deal with sleepiness. Napping may provide you a boost in alertness and performance but that too for a limited period of span. It does not help in overcoming the sleep debt. Napping lacks at providing all of the benefits that nighttime sleep does.

What is the significance of sleep? Why should one prioritize its sleep?

One of the keys to good health and a constant well-being lifestyle is a proper healthy maintained sleep cycle. Sleep is a process that helps in balancing out the energy level of the body by replenishing its strength, immunity, power, performances ability, and working capacity

Quality sleep is so underrated these days. A normal healthy sleep does wonders to your body physically, mentally, and emotionally and it is really very important how exactly sleep benefits our body. So here we go….

Sleep and the better functioning of the brain


So while we are sleeping our mind gets charged up is getting ready for the next day. It creates new pathways to help you learn, grasp, and retain information. Helps in enhancing the functioning ability of the brain by improving its learning and problem-solving skills. It increases your attention span, decision-making skills, and your creativity.

Sleep and emotional well-being

Inadequate sleep makes one feel irritated and annoyed throughout the day causing them major mood swings. Which makes them sad and aggressive quite often and reduces their attention span and ends up stressing one out.

Sleep and physical health


The relation that physical health and sleep share is very crucial and vital. During sleep, the body recovers from all sorts of damages and builds up immunity, and improves metabolism.

A good and desired sleep routine keeps the health issues at a bay. It decreases the risk of health disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, obesity, and various other health issues. It also regulates and maintains a healthy balance of hormones and insulin.

Sleep supports healthy growth and development in all aspects of the body. That’s why is said to fulfill the sleeping needs of our bodies.

Daytime sleeping problems

Ones who sleep at odd hours in the day are likely to suffer from a host of health problems. Here are a few of them.

Body pain, headache, heaviness in the body, loss of digestive power, lack of appetite, nausea, hemicrania, and edema. It can also result in weakness of sensory and motor organs, memory impairment, fever, drowsiness, cough,  itching, throat infection, and etc.

Ayurvedic outlook on sleep 

In Ayurveda sleep is termed a ‘Nidra’ and it has also given great importance to it. It is considered as one the most important upasathmbha (secondary supports of life) in Ayurveda.

As per Ayurveda, there are six types of sleep Tamo bhava, Shleshma samudbhava, Mana sharir shrama sambhava, Aagantuki, Vyadhya anuvartini, Ratri svabhava prabha.

As per the Ayurveda, when one’s mind gets exhausted, his/her sensory organs also start exhausting. Which results in detaching away from the subject and ultimately falling asleep.

Benefits of sound sleep

  • A regular sound sleep keeps one’s body healthy, happy, safe, and comfortable.
  • Better sleep helps in providing nourishment and strength
  • It enhances a person’s mental faculties
  • A regular and healthy sleep cycle helps in promoting longevity
  • The fluctuation in weight also depends upon food and sleep.

Issues faced due to Poor sleep cycle

  • An irregular sleep cycle can destroy the health and well-being of a person.
  • It results in reducing the concentration span and learning abilities
  • Lack of sleep affects the longevity of life
  • Causes various chronic health diseases
  • Increases the oiliness and fat in the body

Ayurvedic remedies to better sleep 

  • Apply and use ubtan or body scrubs
  • Massage your body gently
  • Take a hot shower or relaxing bath
  • Have boiled rice with yogurt
  • Use favorite scents and perfumes
  • Listen to gentle and soothing sounds
  • Use calming ointments on the eyes
  • Apply cool pastes over the head and face
  • Have a comfortable and clean sleeping place with a cozy bed

However, some of the ayurvedic treatments have not been well researched and might be harmful. So, it is recommended to consult a qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner.